Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching & Body Image Work
What is a recovery coach and body image coach & what is it not?
Recovery coaching was created to fill the gap in care for individuals struggling with disordered eating, eating disorders, poor body image or dieting.
Recovery coaching is not one-size-fits-all. Every person has a unique story that requires a tailored approach to care. Recovery coaching helps you put your needs first and provides support for you as you navigate your recovery journey!
Recovery coaches are not just for individuals struggling with eating disorders. For individuals who are struggling with disordered eating, dieting, or poor body image, recovery coaching can help you ditch diet culture and find intuitive movement and intuitive eating.
For individuals with eating disorders who are stepping down from a higher level of care, an eating disorder recovery coach can help ease the transition while supporting you as you continue your recovery and learn how to cope in everyday life.
Recovery coaching is NOT a replacement for treatment or therapy but can be used as another tool throughout your recovery journey. Eating disorder recovery coaches can help you put a team together of helping professionals or join an existing team to help you work towards full recovery.
Recovery coaching is not crisis support. Coaches can help you process triggers, disordered thoughts and behaviours however, we are not qualified to provide support for individuals struggling with suicidal ideation. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, your recovery coach will help you find the appropriate resources to provide you with the support that you need.
How are RLC Recovery Coaches and Body Image coaches trained?
- RLC recovery coaches and body image coaches have completed a 27-module course that covers the multifaceted support and care that eating disorders require.
- RLC provides training on the intersectionality of eating disorders and those in marginalized bodies and communities.
- RLC recovery coaches and body image coaches are aligned with health at every size and intuitive eating!
- RLC graduates are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to use their training in a variety of ways! RLC grads have become eating disorder recovery coaches, body image coaches, created food freedom memberships, and more!
5 ways a recovery coach can be helpful
- A recovery coach and body image coach are here to support you in the here and now. You don’t have to walk this road alone. Recovery coaches are here to support you in your day-to-day life.
- A recovery coach and body image coach can provide tools to help you cope with triggers that arise while living in a diet-filled society.
- Eating disorder recovery and body image coaches can provide tips on how you can move from poor body image to body neutrality and body acceptance.
- A recovery coach and body image coach can provide meal support to help you tackle those fear foods!
- A recovery coach and body image coach can help you advocate for your needs and find other helping professionals to join your team if needed.
How to get started with a recovery coach or body image coach
If you’re ready to take this next step in your recovery journey, you can head to the referral page, where you will find a list of different RLC graduates. Check out their websites and reach out to a person you would like to work with. After you reach out, you will be able to set up a free discovery call to learn more about their services and ask them any questions you may have!
Why Work With Recovery Love and Care?
Recovery Love and Care offers virtual support for individuals on the path to full Eating Disorder Recovery.
Recovery Love and Care supports YOU in your journey to making peace with your body, food and your life!
Recovery Coaching is for those in need of a reset, an increase of self-worth, self-esteem, and overall body image conception.
Jayne uses her Clinical Mental Health Counseling training and education, her IADEP certified supervised training in Eating Disorder speciality, as well as, her past life experience within Eating Disorder recovery, to help ALL individuals find self-compassion, self-love and body appreciation in a world that does not allow them to do so.
Jayne and her team help individuals within their Eating Disorder recovery, and body image journey, work through body image conception, and the overall process of recovery.
Recovery Love and Care abides by their own set of ethical standards, and provide mentoring, coaching and a more personalized touch to your recovery and body image/food freedom journey! Recovery Love and Care uses only HIPAA compliant software and screening services and pledges to stay true to their code of ethics and stay within the proper scope of care.
Is Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching Right For You?
Eating Disorder Recovery coaching is meant for those who want to reach a higher level of performance, satisfaction and learning within their lives in the absence of their Eating Disorder or disordered relationship with food and body.
Individuals who feel that they have lost time due to their Eating Disorder, diet-mentality or negative body image conception, and are eager to enjoy their life in the absence of those things are clients ideal for Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching.
Individuals who currently have a therapist, and/or a treatment team are ideal recovery coaching clients.
Individuals that have are transitioning out of a higher level of care for their Eating Disorders are the ideal recovery coaching client.
Individuals that are sick of dieting and hating their bodies are idea recovery coaching clients.
If you are seeking food freedom and body image acceptance, you are an idea recovery coaching client!
What Does Recovery Coaching Include?
Recovery coaching includes:
- Weekly 45 minute, virtual face to face sessions with your Recovery Coach!
- Meal support
- Body image work & daily Body image support
- Positive daily affirmations
- Working through the struggles of living in a hostile recovery environment
- Challenging common diet ideations.
- Working towards body neutrality and food freedom!
- Private chat room support with your Recovery Coach

Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching is offered virtually through a HIPAA compliant software database.
*Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching is different from counseling services and is not to be considered a substitute for clinical treatment or therapy, although it may serve individuals who are within the contemplative stage of Eating Disordered behaviors or contemplating recovery . Eating Disorder Recovery coaching can be a great stepping stone to forming a treatment team, an addition to therapy or a next step in your healing journey. If you are actively struggling with an eating disorder, we will discuss whether or not Recovery Coaching is the right step for you, and if it is we will determine whether developing a treatment team is a crucial step within your process.
Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching is offered virtually through a HIPAA compliant software database.
*Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching is different from counseling services and is not to be considered a substitute for clinical treatment or therapy, although it may serve individuals who are within the contemplative stage of Eating Disordered behaviors or contemplating recovery . Eating Disorder Recovery coaching can be a great stepping stone to forming a treatment team, an addition to therapy or a next step in your healing journey. If you are actively struggling with an eating disorder, we will discuss whether or not Recovery Coaching is the right step for you, and if it is we will determine whether developing a treatment team is a crucial step within your process.