Recovery Love and Care is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This post is not sponsored by any of the independent brands, I am just a HUGE FAN of the products and wanted to share them with my amazing readers!

Happy Monday everyone! I am hoping it has been a happy day for you, but I do know that Monday’s are hard…. getting back to the grind, waking up with your alarm clock, having to face another week, whether that be at work, with your kids, or maybe facing another week of your recovery, can be intimidating and exhausting! Understanding the wear and tear that Mondays, and granted, most weekdays can have on your mental and emotional wellbeing, I am going to share how I make my day’s happy, no matter what day it is!
As I have stated before, eating disorder recovery has so much to do with self-care, and learning how to replace unhealthy behaviors with healthy comforts! My unhealthy behaviors were always triggered in times of stress, which was usually based around my work week, for instance Sunday’s were terrifying for me, because I knew that the stressful work week was right around the corner, Monday’s were incredibly exhausting and with that mind set the weekdays became somewhat of a battle field for me. I was over eating to comfort my mind and body after a stressful meeting, which then lead to over exercising, or purging of my food, and with this came a great deal of shame and guilt, which then started the cycle all over again…sound familiar? Once I reached a true understanding of my recovery I slowly started to unwind with my healthy comforts as opposed to unhealthy habits. Remember the comfort box?
As a brief reminder, the comfort box is a place to go when you feel vulnerable, shamed and/or guilty, or have used or feel like using unhealthy behaviors. It is a place that is full of things that make you feel warm inside, a place that makes you feel good, that has no relation to any compulsive behaviors you may have, it is a place that is meant to replace your unhealthy comforts such as binging and purging
The comfort box was my holy grail during recovery, in that it truly conditioned my mind and body to rid of my unhealthy behaviors and find emotionally fulfilling comforts instead. Yes, I have reached the point in my recovery where I do not actively practice within my comfort box because I am no longer using unhealthy behaviors, but I do use it as a resource for self-care! One thing that I have learned over the years is that I was mainly using my comfort box, as something to go towards once I already felt vulnerable, therefore, I now use it as a form of prevention as well! The workweek has a wear and tear on our emotions and mental health, therefore why not strengthen our mind, body and soul in order to avoid or lessen the affects of the stresses during the weekdays?
I start my self-care right when I wake up, and it is something that I truly look forward to every morning!
Now, if you are within recovery, my suggestion is that you always keep a notepad and pen within your “comfort” box, in order to write down any vulnerabilities and/or feelings that may come up for you, as this can be somewhat uncomfortable at first, and this is a great resource to share with your care team.
Today, I will be touching on my morning “comfort” routine as well as part of my nighttime skin care routine, and if you enjoy this post please let me know, as this will be another Self-Care series within my Blog!
Skin Care and aromatherapy are necessities within my self care, they truly make me feel beautiful inside and out, and they leave me feeling relaxed, refreshed and well loved…because that is what self care is all about right?! I wake up an hour before I need to leave for work; because I truly believe that practicing self-care before the craziness starts, is the best prevention technique within recovery…trust me try it and you’ll thank me!!
First is ALWAYS coffee, if I don’t have my morning brew, then I’m usually in crisis….no joke! I just love everything about coffee, the sound of the coffee maker, the aroma of the ground beans, the smooth taste, and of course the caffeine! I always add a hint of coconut milk and cinnamon for extra flavor, and when I’m feeling festive I will add various syrups, such as pumpkin, peppermint, hazelnut, etc. When I’m lucky I get to enjoy my cup of Joe with a view!
Please note that coffee is a safe comfort for me for where I am at within my recovery, and it is NOT a substitute for breakfast or food…
Second, tunes or TV…this is usually the only time I have time to watch my favorite trashy/guilty pleasure TV, such as The Real Housewives, Jane the Virgin, Criminal Minds, Law and Order SVU and really anything on Bravo!!
If I’m all caught up on my shows, which is rare, I play my favorite music to jump start my day!!
Note: Let it be known that I grew up a “teeny bopper” therefore I am a die hard Justin Timberlake fan and Britney Spears…
To my favorite part!!!….skin care!
I am OBSESSED with my Foreo Luna, it allows me to be active within my skin care, in that it massages my face, opens my pores, and ensures a deep clean look and feel! I spend around 10 minutes on my morning skin care, which after cleansing includes, eye care, moisturizing, and aromatherapy!
FOREO LUNA mini (T-Sonic Facial Cleansing Device), Magenta
It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream Moisturizer 2 Ounces
(Pictured: Foero Luna, Burts Bees Intense Hydration Eye Cream, DERM doctor Kakadu C Brightening Daily Cleanser, IT Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream, Eau Thermale Avene Spring Water,Young Living Essential Oils spritzer- homemade)
Aromatherapy: I create my own essential oil spritzers….these are so incredibly amazing on dry skin, and they also stimulate the body and mind with its aroma “powers”. Within this series I will make sure to make a post dedicated to my use of essential oils and self-care.
This now brings me to my nighttime skin care routine….my actual entire night time self care routine is much more extensive than this, but here is a sneak peak into how I set myself up for a relaxing nights sleep.
Again, my Foreo Luna is my preferred “tool” when cleansing my face….but before the cleansing I almost always apply a face mask.
L’Oreal Paris Skin Care Pure Clay Mask Set
Facemasks are fun, somewhat silly, incredibly relaxing, and when utilized correctly successfully cleanse and hydrate the skin. (I always apply my masks with a clean bristled brush)
(Pictured: Burts Bees Re-Q-Ointment, Kiehls Midnight Recovery Eye Cream, Loreal Pure-Clay Mask, Simple Micella Cleansing Water, Drunk Elephant TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum)
I continue with cleansing, night time serum, night time eye cream, moisturizer and essential oils….yes this may seem extensive to many of you, but self care is the key to a successful recovery, and is truly the key to a happy life!
My next post within this self-care series will be about aromatherapy and my use of essential oils within my personal self-care routine! I challenge you to practice self care in the morning AND at night, in order to ensure a happy weekday! Now go ahead, and self care it out!!
Oh and puppies help everything so I usually get a cuddle session in whenever I can!…..
Please leave any suggestions and/or questions below.
#ItCosmetics #ConfidenceInACream #DermaDoctor #ForeoLuna #EauTheramle #EssentialOils #BurtsBees #DrunkElephant #Kiehls #Simple #Loreal #SkinCare #SelfCareItOut #SelfCare #Recovery #EatingDisorderRecovery #Prevention #SelfCareInTheMorning #MorningSelfCare